How to Improve the Speed of Your WordPress Website in 2024

WordPress speed optimization is key to enhancing user experience, improving search engine rankings, and ensuring that your website remains competitive in the fast-paced digital landscape. In today’s fast-paced digital world, having a fast-loading website is essential.

Slow website speeds can negatively impact user experience, search engine rankings, and ultimately your online business success. Search engines in particular take the issue of speed seriously.

For example, Google regularly checks the speed of the website. As a WordPress user, there are several steps you can take to optimize your website speed and improve its performance. In this blog post, we share various strategies and techniques to improve the speed of your WordPress website.

WordPress speed optimization

Section 1: Choosing a Fast and Reliable Hosting Provider

1.1 The Importance of a Good Hosting Provider

The hosting provider you choose plays a crucial role in determining the speed and performance of your website. Choosing a reliable hosting provider ensures that your website is accessible and loads quickly for visitors.

There are various hosting providers available that have proven themselves in this regard. There are factors you should pay particular attention to when choosing a hosting provider.

1.2 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Hosting Provider

When choosing your hosting provider, consider factors such as server uptime, server response time, available resources, scalability, and customer support.

What you should pay particular attention to is that the software used by the hosting providers you choose is up to date. This will really help your website in terms of security and speed. For example, most hosting providers typically use an Apache server for WordPress websites. They offer you an admin panel like cPanel to manage your hosting.

It can only perform on servers that use Apache. However, apart from all these, LiteSpeed, NGINX or Apache with NGINX Reverse Proxy can be used. Highly effective and fast websites can be provided with these services.

1.3 Popular Hosting Providers for WordPress Websites

Some recommended hosting providers for WordPress websites include SiteGround and WP Engine. These providers offer optimized hosting environments specifically designed for WordPress.

Apart from the ones mentioned above, if you have some technical knowledge, you can also use Google Cloud Platform. Google Cloud also includes a ready-made WordPress container. We talked about it in one of our articles. You can also use the hosting service provided by Bektech. You can check our server packages configured for high security and high speed.

Section 2: Caching and Content Delivery Network (CDN)

2.1 The Role of Caching in Increasing Website Speed

Caching involves storing static versions of your website pages to reduce server processing time and deliver content to visitors more efficiently.

There are also database caching solutions such as MemCached or Redis. These systems ensure that requests to the database are satisfied from the cache, so requests are responded to faster. This way, your server avoids consuming excessive resources and users can navigate the website faster.

2.2 Understanding CDN and Its Benefits

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) distributes your website content across multiple servers worldwide, reducing latency and improving website loading speeds, especially for geographically remote visitors.

One of the most widely used CDN services is Cloudflare. Although it has a free version, it is faster and more reliable than other CDN services. Besides all these, it offers many options for free.

2.3 Implementing Caching Plugins and CDN Integration

Popular WordPress caching plugins like W3 Total Cache and WP Fastest Cache offer features to easily enable caching on your website. Also, plugins like Cloudflare or the CDN provided by your hosting provider can be used to integrate a CDN on your WordPress website.

Both plugins have Cloudflare support. They also have paid versions. However, if your website is new and doesn’t get a lot of traffic (<4000), the free version should be fine for you.

Section 3: Optimizing Images

3.1 Image Optimization Techniques

Images often contribute to a website loading slower. Optimize images by resizing them, compressing them without significant quality loss, and choosing appropriate image formats.

For example, if your allocated space for an image is 400px wide, you can resize the image to 400px wide. Because putting a 3000px image in a 400px wide space will not change anything in terms of image quality. By resizing the image, you both reduce the image size and contribute to increasing the speed of the website.

Do not upload your images as PNG/JPG/JPEG. You can convert them to WebP format using online image converters. The WebP format minimizes the loss of quality and reduces the size.

3.2 Using Plugins to Compress and Optimize Images

Plugins like Smush and WebP Express can automatically compress and optimize images on your WordPress website, reducing file sizes without compromising quality.

3.3 Lazy Loading for Faster Image Loading

Lazy loading delays the loading of images until they are visible to the user, reducing the initial load time and increasing WordPress speed. Lazy loading can be done using the Lazy Load plugin.

Section 4: Reducing and Compressing Files

increasing WordPress speed in 2024 with html CSS optimization

4.1 Minify CSS and JavaScript Files

Minifying files involves removing unnecessary characters and spaces in CSS and JavaScript files and reducing their size to improve load times. Plugins like Autoptimize, WP Fastest Cache can automatically minify these files for you.

4.2 Compress HTML, CSS and JavaScript Resources

Gzip compression reduces file sizes and speeds up website load times by compressing files on the server side before they are transferred over the network. Most web servers have Gzip compression enabled by default.

Brotli compression is also available from most modern hosting providers. Brotli stands out as a slightly better solution than GZIP.

4.3 Using Gzip Compression for Faster File Transfer

You can use plugins like WP Fastest Cache or check with your hosting provider to make sure Gzip compression is enabled on your WordPress website.

Section 5: Database Optimization

5.1 Cleaning and Optimizing the WordPress Database

Optimizing your WordPress database includes removing unnecessary data such as post revisions, spam comments, and unused or orphaned tables, which can improve database performance and reduce load times.

5.2 Remove Unnecessary Plugins and Themes

Unused or outdated plugins and themes can slow down your website. Regularly review and remove unnecessary plugins or themes.

In addition, unused or outdated plugins and themes will expose your website to security vulnerabilities.

5.3 Back Up Your Website Database Regularly

Before making any database changes, always make sure to back up your website’s data to avoid possible losses. Plugins like UpdraftPlus can help simplify the backup process.

UpdraftPlus offers a backup and restore service to a remote server (e.g., Google Drive) in its free version.

Section 6: Content and Code Optimization

6.1 Optimizing Content for Faster Loading

Ensure that your website content is optimized by avoiding excessive use of multimedia, reducing the number of external scripts and optimizing the use of embeds and social sharing buttons.

6.2 Use a Content Delivery Network for Static Files

CDNs can also be used to serve static files such as CSS, JavaScript, and font files. By transferring these files to CDN servers, you reduce the load on your own server and improve load times.

In some cases, compressed CSS and JS files can affect the structure and functionality of your website. You may need to track and exclude these files.

Feel free to contact the Bektech Digital team if you need help.

6.3 Clean Up Unnecessary Code and Scripts

Eliminate unused code and scripts on your website, such as disabling unnecessary WordPress plugins and removing unused code from your theme files. Keeping your website’s codebase lean and efficient helps improve WordPress speed and loading speeds.

Section 7: Regular Updates and Maintenance

7.1 The Importance of Keeping WordPress Core, Themes and Plugins Up to Date

Regularly updating your WordPress core, themes, and plugins gives you access to the latest features, security patches, and performance improvements that can help optimize your WordPress speed.

7.2 Regular Website Maintenance Practices Related to

WordPress Speed

Perform regular website maintenance tasks such as cleaning your media library, optimizing your database, and tracking broken links. These practices help keep your website running smoothly.

Checking for broken links plays an important role in SEO. Search engines definitely don’t like websites with a lot of broken links.

7.3 The Role of Security in WordPress Speed Optimization

Implementing solid security measures, such as using a reliable security plugin or CDN and securing your website’s login credentials, helps prevent malicious attacks and potential slowdowns due to security breaches.

For example, the free versions of Wordfence or Sucuri can provide good protection for you. In addition, make sure your website has a valid SSL certificate.

For example, the free versions of Wordfence or Sucuri can provide good protection for you. In addition, make sure your website has a valid SSL certificate. By keeping your site secure, you can also avoid the need for additional security measures that can slow down your site, such as frequent security scans.


Improving the speed of your WordPress website is crucial for better user experience and higher search engine rankings. By following the strategies discussed in this blog post, such as choosing a reliable hosting provider, implementing caching and CDN, optimizing images, minifying and compressing files, optimizing the database, optimizing content and code, and regular website updates and maintenance, you can significantly improve your website speed and performance. Remember, a faster WordPress website benefits not only your users but also your online business success.

In conclusion, optimizing the WordPress speed of your website is a multifaceted task but one worth the effort. By implementing the above-mentioned strategies, you can significantly improve your WordPress speed, thereby achieving a better user experience and better overall performance.

Take the time to analyze your website’s current speed and identify areas that need improvement, and gradually implement the recommended optimization techniques to increase your website speed and achieve your online business goals.